Bhahahahak…lucu banget dah kalo lagi bengong parah jadi iseng baca twitter twitter para ABG piyik nan galau itu. Mulanya ngga sengaja aja karena ada retweet, lama lama mumpung lagi waktu kosong iseng nyimak, penasaran aja ada apa dengan perkembangan ABG masa kini (eaaa…ketauan deh udah dewasa banget nih akunya,…helowww baca: ´´dewasa´´ yaaa…bukan tuwa…upsss) dan ternyata bikin geleng geleng aja melihat perkembangan kosa kata teenagers jaman sekarang dengan gaya dan keseronokan mereka, makin norak kayaknya makin jadi trend dikalangan temen temen temennya. Hadeuhhhh….
Ceritanya ada satu oknum cowok remaja getoh (aittsss dibacanya dengan logat ABG itu lah, kalo lidahku mah udah kelilit lilit pake logat kayak gitu deh), yang tampaknya eksis dikalangan twitter lovers remaja, mungkin salah satunya karena dia pernah memacari salah satu artis remaja yang lagi naik daun jugak. Begitulah. Nah singkat cerita, ya disingkat ajalah, kalo kepanjangan keburu dewasa juga ntar mereka, bukan ABG lagi. Nah nah, abis memacari si artis, dia ternyata banyak di kinthili (ealah iki bahasa opo meneh)..ia maksudnya banyak dideketin cewek cewek ABG yang cerah ceria itu…sok sok cari perhatian gitu dengan berbagai macam mention yang mereka kirimkan di twitter . Yaaa misalnya mereka selalu komentar kalo si cowok ini ganti avatar baru di twitternya , mereka bilang ´´ganteng banget new avatarnya…´´ jiaahh segitu amat yak…tapi namanya juga pengen cari perhatian ya jadilah itu berbagai puja puji bermunculan, yang kalo kita batin sendiri rasanya ini pada ngapain sehhh…sapa juga yang ganteng, menurutku sih culun (eh apa tadi kamu bilang? Hmmm awas yaaa).
Trus ngga lama singkat cerita tiba tiba dalam hitungan hari dia jadian ama satu cewek, kalo diikuti alur twitternya rasanya mereka belum pernah ketemu, tapi ya inilah remaja ini sangat cepat mengambil keputusan untuk pacaran walau belum gitu mengenal. Alhasil seharian Time Line mereka penuh dengan kata kata gombal nan mukio di twitter mereka. Tapi aku ngga heran kok, Cuma batin, paling ini bakal seumur anak jagung, …ehhh belom aja berhenti batin, ternyata dalam hitungan kurang dari 24 jam hubungan mereka sudah putus sodara sodara,…hahaha dari mana aku taunya yak, ya dari bio mereka, yang sebelumnya mereka saling tulis nama lengkap mereka di masing masing bionya, tiba tiba aja jadi berbunyi :singel! Aihhh aku nih lebay banget ya sampai segitunya ngikutin twitter itu, ehh maap ini Cuma sesekali aja karena pengen menyelami dunia ABG biar wawasan untuk menulis bertambah (iyaaa bener…demi apa? Demikianlahhh wkwkw norak ah, ketularan deh ).
Nahhh trus singkat cerita lagi si cowok mulai tebar pesona lagi di twitter, eh ngga lama dalam hitungan 24 jam nama di bionya udah ganti lagi jadi nama cewek lain yang alhasil itu adalah nama cewek barunya. Ckckckck….seperti biasa aku membatin hmmm paling ini umurnya hanya seumur anak jagung juga..(hobi banget ya aku bilang seumur anak jagung, saking singkatnya).Nah lohhh ternyata terbukti kan bener.,..dalam waktu seminggu lebih dikit mereka sudah berganti status lagi menjadi ´´singel´´ yayyy….
Aku jadi maklum mereka masih usia yang lagi pengen eksis, pengen diakui dan pengen dianggap…mereka cenderung melakukan sesuatu menuruti emosi tanpa akal sehat, tanpa banyak pertimbangan, yang penting punya pacar dan eksis. Tapi ya semuanya kan harus dilalui sebagai pengalaman yang baik untuk ke depannya.
Ngga heran kalo semakin bertambah umur, semakin dewasa kenapa orang lebih sulit mengambil keputusan untuk berkomitmen, itu karena semakin banyak hal yang dipertimbangkan, semakin demanding dan hati hati, makanya susah buat keputusan untuk komitmen. Mereka sudah mengalami banyak hal dalam hidupnya, tentu akan lebih bijaksana.
Yang jelas aku sering ingetin ke temen temen, hati hati kalo suatu hubungan yang dimulai dengan sangat menggebu gebu dan hanya mikirin dia , dia dan dia,….itu patut diwaspadai. Paling nggak lebih dari 3 bulan udah bye bye. Atau kalo lagi ngga beruntung ya hitungan hari bisa Im sorry good bye. Auchhh pedih kapten.
Hmmmm….jadi lapar nih, mau makan cinta dulu ah pake sambel terasi…huahhhh…pedes kale yaa…#ngambilulekansambel #becandaaaaa…!
Blueberrytrue's Fabulous journey
World from my point of view...
...My thoughts, Love, Life, dream and my Shattered heart
...My thoughts, Love, Life, dream and my Shattered heart
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A crime, In the name of Love (part 1)
It is common women in their age around 30 or more they mostly start to be panic to find their partner in life. Some of them still rational but the rest seem end up with the situation where there are no other choices. Sometimes they just married to get their status to save them from social life. And that is often happened when in the process to find someone they stuck with bad man. A man who is doing a crime in the name of love. It`s happened in many ways and its not just about violence in the relationship.
Some of cases are about men who pretend to love you and end up with asking money. Mostly it happened through the virtual relationship, when we chat with stranger men in the internet or through a dating site. Usually the stranger guy is a bit mysterious and he pretends that he is a rich and successful guy. Then when you start attracted to him, he says that he will come, or even will marry you soon. On the way to meeting you, he will say that he has a problem with the immigration because he brings lots of money, and then he asks you to pay the fine.
I have story about my wedding organizer. She said that i got my place to wedding party because one of her clients canceled her wedding. Her client´s fiancé was from England and he said that he sent the cash money by shipping forwarding. But unfortunately the money was stuck in Malaysia and the fiancé asked her to pay the fine. But she didn’t want to pay that.
At that time I just thought that it was weird why did she not pay the fine. BUT NOW I know that actually her fiancé is the criminal, the bad guy who is cheating in the name of love. He did not real. He did not exist.
So be careful, I got many forward emails from friends, about the same cases. Im so sorry about this, and I want my single friends out there wherever you are, you will not experience as the case as follow: (forward email from friend, I would like to share with you):
"Another guy, told her he is on his way to indonesia to marry her but he stucks in malaysia for security reasons & he has a lawyer but he needs money to pay him....she sent him money again & again & again for several months till she lost all her money and in the end this guy never shows up & she must pay all her debts to people she lent money guy from UK, told her he falls in love with her & would come & marry her, but he has to finish his project in Africa & collects his money but when he is in Africa, he faces a financial problems & she sent him lot of money to support his project & this guy never shows up after she lost all her money.....this guy turns out to be an African who pretends to be a British guy..... see how he tricks her?????
the scammers signs are....they call u every now & then & saying sweet words, love words & promise to come to your country to marry u & later on they will tell u they send u a package of money, jewelleries & wedding dress & someone from malaysia will call u to pay the tax for the package & sometimes they will tell u they are in Malaysia airport & need money coz they stuck there for security issues.
whatever the reason is, if he asks money or talking about financial problems, then that's the sign u have to be is the keyword that would show u how false the relationship is and that guy is only after money......"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Being single is a matter of choice
(I wrote this a long time ago while i was still single, it was about a find someone right....and thanks God now I found it.)
I dedicated to my single happy, smart, gorgeous, and fantastic friends: Asteris, Nunun and Turxi. I love u all.
Have u ever heard someone ask you questions like “why do u still single?,’’ ….’’when are you getting married?” …..”why do you broke up with him?’’ ….’’why are u being so picky?’’ …..and other ‘’familiar questions” for single women.
Well, I often heard about those. Different people ask me those questions. Mostly at the wedding party, family’s event or office. Once I were trying to give the nice answered….until I just gave them ‘’a smile’’ as the answered. It’s common in our daily life.
Being single or couple depends on how they enjoy their relationship. Being single is a matter of choice. I think I don’t have to push my self to have a date with a guy just for make people happy, because it isn’t good for a relationship. Furthermore, if I don’t have any “chemistry” with him, it’s so bad. I think if now I can enjoy my life, then my partner should have completed my life. But if he tends to judge my life with his terrible words….better I stay being single.
Let say, now u are a single, and then there is a guy who love you, but you not really into him, then would you marry him? Or you decide to stay single even tough you can have a marriage life right now? It’s a choice.
Or if now you are a very talented and attractive woman, you have desires to reach your dreams, but your partner is Mr. Dangerous who don’t allow you to do anything unless with him, will you marry him? Or you decide to finish that relationship? That’s also a matter of choice.
Yes I have to admit that being single is identical to being lonely, but look around you, there is a lot of thing to do. Why aren’t we focusing on our goals then who knows on the way trying to reach our dreams, we might find somebody that really is our match/ our partner in life. After all we have friends and family who always support us on whatever we do. So why do u afraid of being lonely? As long as we can say: Yes I am happy.
Actually there are many reasons why people stay being single. I my self have been waiting for ages to found someone right. Of course I expect I can meet the right one.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Kissings Frog
Today, one of my friends in my Facebook had status as :
” Sometimes I think if I kissed a frog, will he turn into my prince?"Frankly, it reminds me of the article I wrote long time ago (maybe 5 years ago)
Then I think I should post it (again)…..
Kissings Frog
In our life, it is destin that we meet some people in our life, that influence our life. Some people give us a value in our life and other (maybe) just damage it. The journey to find the right one, we will meet guys with the different characters. But the way to reach the right one is not so easy. Sometimes going well but sometimes not. A little bit this, a little bit that (). I named that situation as ‘’kissings frog.”
Sometimes there is question mark : why me? Why did I broke up ? Why this happening with me (again??). But later we realize that God had saved us. Because if we still with him, our life will be miserable.
Do you remember about the story between a princess and a frog? The prince is being spell by a wizard to become a frog. Until he finds the love of his life then he will become a man again. The frog is waiting for someone who will kiss him. Because if he kissed by someone who truly love him, a miracle is going happen. Then when the time come while someone kiss him, he will change become a handsome prince!!!!
That is why the journey of us finding the right man is like a kissings frog.
Do not give up, keep trying until he change become your prince charming eh…hyuuuukkkk…..
PS: thx to Jennifer who inspired me
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